Tuesday, 16 April 2013

In My School Bag: Hair Accessories

Me (and my friends) take way too much to school in our bags, which makes them really heavy. So i have decided to start a series of posts called "In My School Bag" to help my readers to decide what they really need for school/work. 
Hair accessories are things that are so easy to forget but so easy to overload on. The hair accessories in my bag vary depending on my hairstyle. Manly in the summer i like to do my hair up so i will be needing more hair accessories for this time of year.

Compact Hair-Brush and Mirror: This is definitely one of the most important here. I use this all the time at school because my hair (some how) gets really tanged at the back. It is also a mirror which makes it really helpful because then i don't have to carry around a mirror as well. Mirrors are really helpful to me in the Summer because sometimes in the middle of the day i decide to put my hair up and i want a mirror to see any bumps or loose hair.

Small Elastics: I mostly use these for when i do small plaits or a fishtail plait and they snap so easily that i always need to have spares.

Headbands: I have a long fringe that sometimes doesn't like to do what it is told. Generally it is easy to hold it back with bobby pins. If is is a windy day then i am more likely to wear a headband to completely hold my hair back instead of leaving small strands.

Small Comb: For me this isn't very important because my parting (normally) stays in the same place. This will be more useful to people that get small tangles (unlike me).

Hair-Bands: I really don't need to say much about these except ALWAYS keep them in you bag or on your wrist because you never know when you (or your friends) will need one.

Bobby-Pins: Could not live without bobby-pins! Everyone needs them at some-point, either to pull back your fringe or to smooth a bump. You can even make your hair look more elegant or fun with a different colour bobby-pin.

Please let me know what posts you would like me to do!


  1. Evie! Just from surfing the web I found your wonderful blog. I am in love! Everything about it is adorable! Would love to chat and get to know you! Feel free to e-mail me! Also, I would love to get your blog button to post on my site (:
    -kate, xoxo

    my e-mail is: katlyn@simplykatlyn.com

  2. I try not to use a hair band EVERYDAY but by noon I pull my hair back :)

    Your blog is darling!


  3. Lovely post and blog hun! :) The compact hair brush is so cute! <3


  4. These are my essentials too! - so easy to overload, I know.


  5. your headbands are so cute! i always have those items in my purse/school bag as well!

    lindsey louise



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