My skin tends to change its mind all the time. In the Winter, my skin is dry and tight, in the Summer, my skin feels incredibly greasy and then in the time inbetween my skin feels like combination (I party blame this on English weather.) So to conclude I own three face washes...
It has taken me a fair amount of time to find three perfect face washes for my skin. But since skin care in so reasonable priced in the Drugstore, I didn't end up wasting too much money. I was really disappointed because a lot of the products I tested didn't do what they promise on the packaging.
I am a teenager so I do suffer from 'teenager skin'. I wanted to quickly tell you what my skin is like so that if you have similar them these face washes/scrubs are perfect for you. I have huge pores on my nose that are quite visible, I rarely get white heads but when I do they are near my nose. I also get blackheads on my forehead and I get about 1 new pimple a week that can easily be popped. Once in a blue moon I get an irritating spot that is sometimes itchy and is normally caused by stress. You are probably really grossed out and thinking "woah, TMI!" But carry on reading to find out what products I use to save my skin.
Dry and Sensitive Skin:
The 'Clearasil Rapid Action Gel Wash'* is the most moisturising face wash i have ever used! This is probably down to the fact that it is a gel wash. I had no experience with gel face washes so i didn't know what to expect. What i liked most about this face wash was that it wasn't heavy. It glides on the skin so smoothly and it is very light and gentle on the skin. After using this face wash for just one day, i noticed how smooth my skin was, but i didn't find that it did anything for my spots. I would recommend this for people who have dry or sensitive skin but if you have spottier skin, this is not for you.
Oily and Spot Prone Skin:
This face wash is perfect for when i'm having a bad skin day. It has large exfoliating beads that help scrub off all the dirt and grease from the day. They also help to unblock pores. My skin feels completely clean after i have used this so normally i only use it in the evening and a different wash in the morning. I would recommend this to people who have spot prone skin and like a heavy face scrub.
This face wash is perfect for when i'm having a bad skin day. It has large exfoliating beads that help scrub off all the dirt and grease from the day. They also help to unblock pores. My skin feels completely clean after i have used this so normally i only use it in the evening and a different wash in the morning. I would recommend this to people who have spot prone skin and like a heavy face scrub.
Combination and Normal Skin:
I personally like a face wash that really feels like it has got rid of all the dirt from the day and has stripped my face bare from any spot bacteria. This does just that and that explains why it is my favourite. I would say this is perfect for all skin types. It is more gentle than the 'Clearasil Rapid Action Scrub'* but fights spots better than the 'Clearasil Rapid Action Gel Wash'*. It has tiny exfoliating beads that get right into your pores and deeply cleanse them. It also has a delightful fresh smell. My face doesn't feel tight after using this, instead it feels squeaky clean. I use this on days when my skin is having a good or bad day!
What is your favourite face wash? xox
*products with asterisk show that it was sent to me but i have given my complete honest opinion